Cuff Bracelet Unique 3 Colors Of Many Thin Bracelets
Cuff Bracelet Unique 3 Colors Of Many Thin Bracelets weighs around 75gm. The size is approx. 6.5cm diameter, width 4.5cm, and height approx. 6.5cm.
This bracelet has three different colors according to its metal, which are brass, copper, and silver.
It is a positive influence on metabolism, absorption and transportation of iron to the body, and melanin production in the skin. Brass can treat or alleviate the pain of arthritis as well.
If you wish to see similar in brass, Click here.
All our jewelry is a collection of unique designs that make you stand out in the crowd while looking simple, elegant, and stylish, all at the same time.
Silver is a refined and distinguished color, symbolizing wealth and success. Also known as a noble metal. Its use in jewelry, sculptures, and for monetary value has it associated with wealth. Thus the color also represents grace, sophistication, elegance, and glamor. Silver is a powerful antimicrobial agent. It can help fight infections, heal wounds, aid in cold and flu prevention, and so much more. Positively charged silver ions form a conductive field. Thus, stimulating the body’s natural conductivity, and improving blood circulation, body temperature balance, and overall health.
For comfort, wear your bracelet on your left hand if you’re right-hand dominant and on your right wrist if you’re a lefty. The right side represents action, control, power, and giving. So if your intention is to receive energy, you would wear your bracelet on your left wrist. If you want to give energy, you would wear it on your right wrist.
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